Even if you have a small amount of money you can become rich over time. You just need to understand how compounding interest works.
And let it be your friend over time. It is wrong for people to think they have to be wealthy already to become rich. If you invest your money regularly
over time, That is how you become rich.
If you have $5,000 saved and can save $5,000 a year for 30 years you will become a millionaire. It just takes the simple discipline to save, live in your mean, work within
a budget and you will be rich.
This calculation is based on a 10% return over 30 years as the history of the market can give us.
Please do not have $5,000 a year and put that in your “Savings Account”. Due to inflation, you would actually have less than the expected $150,000.
Take the time and invest your savings in index funds.