When people think of saving money they typically have an end goal in mind. For some it may be those new pair of shoes and for others it is early retirement. Then there are some people who don’t even think about saving because they think they are too late to the game.
Whatever your goal may be you should know that not only should saving be a lifestyle change but it is also never too late to start saving.
Most people think that in order to benefit from saving that you need to start in your 20’s or 30’s. While yes the sooner you start the more opportunities you have to save, that is not the only way to benefit.
Whenever you start, no matter your age, there is always a benefit!
So why not start now?
Here at Win On Wall Street, the team not only knows that it’s never too late to start saving but we encourage everyone to start saving TODAY!!
Here is a little success story to help motivate you:
We recently worked with a 55-year-old woman that has never saved anything in her life. She currently works at a dry cleaner making $12 per hour. You may wonder “How will she ever retire?” or “How will she ever be able to quit working?” When we met her we found out that she had a total of $1,500 in her savings account. So, we gave her some advice in how to not only build that money but also make a return on her money. We set up a brokerage account with her at Fidelity. We moved funds from her bank account to her brokerage account. We also snagged up some long term holding positions in UWTI knowing that UWTI is a crude oil security and oil was at a 6 year low. Now oil is rising and after only 2 weeks she was able to see a 30% gain in her account.
This woman is now looking at her account daily knowing there is opportunity to build her funds at any time. She also reaches out to us on a regular basis thanking us for helping her make the positive lifestyle change and start saving. In fact, her most recent contact with us was “I cannot wait to put a portion of my next pay check into my fidelity cash account.”
She is now addicted to saving her hard earned money.
So we ask you again, why not start now?