I’m sure you have all heard of Warren Buffet!! He is a businessman, writer, partner and investor in many different businesses, self-made billionaire, and so much more. If you haven’t then you are truly missing out on one of the most amazing success stories of our time. You are also missing out on some Wall Street motivation. Most people in positions such as sales, stocks, business owners, etc. are very familiar with the man behind the name and his story. Why? Because he has helped people see the end goal with many, many dollar signs in front of it.
A quick preface of his life and work:
As A Child
Warren was destined for success with a stockbroker as a father (much like your kids will be once you learn and teach them the wonderful world of Wall Street). He was seen hanging out in the broker’s lounge always wondering what’s what. It was only natural that at age 11 he bought three shares of Cities Service Preferred. By age 13 he was running his own business as a paperboy and started to sell horseracing tip sheets. And by high school he had invested in one of his fathers companies and purchased a farm.
Buffet was all about turning dimes into dollars and his way of doing so was investing.
As An Adult
At age of 32 Warren became a millionaire!! This was a result of his many partnerships and investments. When 1990 rolled around, Buffet had officially become a paper BILLIONARE by selling his shares. Warren has continued to motivate many with his books on investing, stocks, shareholders, capital, profit, etc.
Need I go on?
I could write on and on about the numerous successes Warren has achieved in his life. There are endless articles and stories out there about Warren Buffett. However, I’m sure you are wondering why does all of this even matter to me?
Why does all this matter to you?
Warren is the most successful investor of the 20th century and America’s Second- Richest person. While he may have time on his side the knowledge is there for all of you to learn. The Win on Wall Street team is dedicated to teaching you what you need to know to be successful as well with investments, stocks, and more. You too could secure an ever-expanding future for yourself and your children. Warren Buffet’s father is proof that sharing your knowledge alone is a means of success.
Buffett Motivation
To leave you with a little motivation and to get you excited to learn about investing and in the end, invest. Here is a great and very true quote from Warren.
“You don’t need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the buy with the 130 IQ.” -Warren Buffet
It’s true! Investing is not rocket science! We are here to help you learn and know it all. There are many people out there succeeding right now in the wonderful world of Wall Street. Don’t fall behind, jump ahead.